SmartMeasures are Proud Sponsors of EMC19 in Houston

EMC19 is the largest Retail Energy Conference in North America. The theme for March 2023 is Surviving & Thriving during Turbulent times.

In turbulent times, if you want to survive and thrive, then customer retention is more important than ever. Retained customers increase revenue, increase average customer tenure, increase Customer Lifetime Value and profitability.

There is no silver bullet to reducing customer churn, but there is a proven systematic approach that leverages AI, Big Data and Neuroscience.  It begins with accurate prediction, but that’s only part of the story. Once you know who is going to leave, you need to take action to retain them.  Neuroscience and customer behaviour psychology drive the design of service messages to target at-risk customers.

The key is a systematic approach to continuously collect data, score and Treat customers each week. Measurement is everything if you want to continuously improve and report benefits.

Libby Dale SmartMeasures Co-founder will explain how a systematic approach to retaining customers can be your growth strategy.

Once you know who is going to leave, you need to step in to stop it and carefully chosen words can be more effective at retaining customers than giving away vouchers.  Libby will share a range of behavioural tips you can use to build your own retention program.

See the full program for the EMC19 here

The SmartMeasures team will be at EMC19