Customer Churn Cost Savings Calculator
Enter your basic figures and find out how SmartMeasures can deliver for your business.
Things to include in customer replacement costs:
- customer acquisition and onboarding cost
- cost of removing the lost customer
- revenue lost until replaced
Churn snapshot

every year
Costing your business:
{{annualRevenueLost | currency:"$":0}}annual revenue lost from churned customers
{{annualReplacementCost | currency:"$":0}}annual replacement cost of lost customers
Savings with SmartMeasures
Typically, customer churn can be reduced by 10%.This is delivered through prediction accuracy of greater than 70% and Treatment actions by your team that achieve 15% success.
Impact made on customer churn{{showImpactSlider?'hide impact slider':'change impact'}}
{{savedCustomers | currency:"":0}}customers saved annually
{{savedReplacementCost | currency:"$":0}}annual cost saving
Want these returns in your business?